July 23, 2024

Senior Photo Tips for High School Seniors

Senior Pictures
  • Outfits
  • Bring a variety of outfits (casual, formal, personal).
  • Choose comfortable clothes and avoid busy patterns.

  • Locations
  • Pick meaningful places (parks, downtown, school).
  • Use diverse backdrops for interest.

  • Timing
  • Discuss with your senior photographer to find the best time of day to take senior pics.
  • Schedule your session ahead of time.

  • Hair and Makeup
  • Keep it natural and bring touch-up supplies.

  • Be Yourself
  • Relax and have fun; let your personality shine.
  • Include hobbies and interests in your senior photos.

  • Photographer Communication
  • Share your vision and trust the expertise of your senior photographer.

  • Photo Review
  • Select your favorites carefully and consider future uses.

By following these tips, you'll get memorable senior pics that truly represent you!